TEDxBellinzona - 17.05.2024
TEDxBellinzona is thrilled to announce its event to be held on Friday, May 17, 2024, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m,.at the prestigious Teatro Sociale di Bellinzona. This will be a unique occasion where brilliant minds from various fields will come together to explore the central theme: "Balance".
Our speakers, coming from a wide range of sectors, will share their perspectives, experiences, and discoveries on how balance influences their work, relationships, and passions. Each talk will provide a unique opportunity for learning and growth.
Join us for an evening of engaging talks, networking, and performances that will leave you inspired and motivated to tackle life's challenges with a new balance and confidence.
Thank you for being part of TEDxBellinzona and for contributing to spreading ideas that deserve to be heard.
More information: https://www.tedxbellinzona.ch