Ferienhaus Bim Waldji
5.5 room chalet with 4 bedrooms above Pany, with large garden, biotope and adjoining forest. Sun terrace with spectacular view of the valley. You can walk in 20 minutes to the centre of Pany, where there are shops and a bus stop. The swimming pool is a 5-minute walk away and in winter, if the snow is good you can ride to and from the ski lift on your skis. The heating system is complemented by solar panels and a wood-burning stove provides comfortable warmth in winter. In front of the chalet there are parking facilities for two cars. Please ask for special Long-Stay-Terms (upon 3 weeks).
Informations sur l'hébergement
En général
Place de parc, Machine à laver, Balkon, Fernseher, Grillplatz, Grillplatz (mit Sitzbänken), Geschirrspülmaschine, Bergtouren, Reiten, Radwandern, Schwimm- und/oder Hallenbad, Internetbenutzung, Eislaufplatz, Rodelbahn in der Nähe, Nordic walking
Animaux domestiques
Animaux admis
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