Tgèsa Palits Seehuber
Autres informations du fournisseur: Tgèsa Palits Cozy, apartment on the first floor of a six-family house in a quiet location on the edge of the village (50 m above the railway station Sedrun). In the winter optimal proximity (50 m) to beginners skis / ski courses (especially suitable for families with small children). Walking distance to the train about 5 min. To the ski resorts or in summer to the hiking areas. In the summer there are many activities such as hiking, swimming, golfing, golfing, carriage rides, riding, mushrooming, bilberry tasting .... Nature and tranquility arrêt de bus "Salins Cuolm da Vi" 0.2 km, gare ferroviaire "Sedrun" 0.1 km, ferry-boat "Seedorf UR (See)" 26.5 km.
Informations sur l'hébergement
En général
Parking, Lave-linge, Télévision, Aire de barbecue, Pistes cyclables, Lave-vaisselle, Excursions en montagne, Randonnée, Sports d'hiver, Salle de ski/sport, fridge
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