Tgèsa Hirundella
Tgèsa Hirundella The 2.5-room ground floor apartment is in a detached apartment building with three apartments. The house is next to the church with unobstructed view of the beautiful mountains and the hamlet of Surrein. The cross-country ski run and the winter hiking trail are next to the house. The large garden invites you to linger. There is a storage room for skis etc. at the entrance to the house. In summer it's possible to park the car next to the house. In winter the park lot is a few minutes away. (parking card available). Pets are not allowed. In the whole house is not allowed to smoke.
Informazioni sulla sistemazione
Posteggio, Balkon, Fernseher, Radwege, Bergtouren, Wandern, Doccia, Wintersport, Ski-/Sportraum
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