xxxFerienwohnung Berther-Rothmund
Your home Vacation apartment on the 2nd floor of a two-family house in a central location. Balcony with a nice view. The apartment is ideal for families with children. Large garden, parking space available. On foot: about 3 minutes to the shopping and about 5 minutes from the train station. From the first overnight stay you will get the Disentis Sedrun guest card with a lot of benefits (for example in summer free train rides, free cable cars and in winter free country skiing) All benefits you will find here
Informazioni sulla sistemazione
Parcheggio, Lavatrice, Televisione, Piste ciclabili, Lavastoviglie, Tour in montagna, Escursionismo, Sport invernali, Pista di pattinaggio, Pista da slittino nelle vicinanze, Sala sci/sport, fridge
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